1Shareware Extravaganza - Disc 2
Shareware Extravaganza - Over 25,000 Programs (The Ultimate Shareware Company)(Disc 2 of 4)(1993).iso
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basicEZW1V30A.ZIP 159812 04-10-92 rapid pulldown menu system lib for qbasic/pds
EZWINDO1.ZIP 144513 04-10-92 ez-windows flop down and pop up lib for qbasic 4x
FANCYCLS.ZIP 1598 10-05-90 screen clean routines for quickbasic (10-5-90)
FC13.ZIP 4155 04-10-92 compare between 2 bas sources, produce mrg update file
FDTR45.ZIP 1637 04-10-92 dtr patch for qb45 - reasonable
FINDAP.ZIP 10245 08-10-91 multi instance presentation with visual
FLDEDIT.ZIP 2510 02-14-89 updated version of field edit in bassub qb4
FOSSC004.ZIP 22931 04-10-92 shareware version fossil driver/basic v004
FRIENDLY.ZIP 129971 11-06-91 various 30 misc basic programs
FUNCTION.ZIP 120441 11-06-91 basic program to help plot a maths function
GA.ZIP 2073 04-10-92 basic function key utility
GAPDR.ZIP 137117 08-20-90 qb(45) library that aids in creating
GETCPU.ZIP 2164 08-30-90 qb source/obj to check cpu type (8-90)
GETFILES.ZIP 7224 11-06-91 quickbasic 2 - load filename array etc
GFONTS30.ZIP 86431 09-15-90 qb and basic 7x prgrmrs of graphic fonts
GIZLIB11.ZIP 66099 07-31-87 qb routine library
GLIB165.ZIP 130269 11-06-91 140 qb routine library
GRAFWZ10.ZIP 40450 08-21-90 graphics wizard's library v10 for qb45:
GRAFWZ11.ZIP 63387 09-23-90 graphic wizard's library for basic v11
GRAFWZ15.ZIP 92843 02-11-91 graphics wizard's library v15 for quickbasic
ICE.ZIP 2783 03-06-88 intrusion countermeasure electronics
ICONLOOK.ZIP 6638 07-06-91 visual basic programming example
IMB9003.ZIP 4827 03-01-90 inside microsoft basic - 3/90
IMB9004.ZIP 6391 04-01-90 inside microsoft basic - 4/90
IMB9005.ZIP 7542 05-01-90 inside microsoft basic - 5/90
IMB9006.ZIP 7337 05-16-90 inside microsoft basic - 5/90
IMB9007.ZIP 4625 06-28-90 inside microsoft basic - 7/90
IMB9008.ZIP 14255 08-01-90 inside microsoft basic - 8/90
IMB9009.ZIP 1116 09-04-90 inside microsoft basic - 9/90
IMB9011.ZIP 3949 04-10-92 inside microsoft basic - 11/90
INDEXING.ZIP 53542 11-06-91 qb source for binary file indexing
KEYBOA.ZIP 2589 04-10-92 qb keyboard routines
LIBMGR.ZIP 56837 11-06-91 qb user library manager
LIBWIZ11.ZIP 29380 04-10-92 basic library manager
LISTER.ZIP 3520 04-10-92 print out of a basic program listing
LRNBASIC.ZIP 84456 04-10-92 various examples and a tutorial of basic
MAKEQLB.ZIP 29134 04-10-92 look at qbasic modules & create a new quicklib
MAKQL103.ZIP 52446 08-12-90 qb program scanner & create qb library
MASK10.ZIP 40811 11-06-91 make a mask for input in qbasic
MEDACCT.ZIP 202007 11-06-91 absolute accounting pkg gl ar ap pr
MENUBAS.ZIP 4508 11-04-88 makes a menu with moveable highlight for quickbasic
MENUSUB.ZIP 6720 01-05-87 shows scrolling bar menus (basic)
MISBASIC.ZIP 8283 09-26-88 five assorted basic programs
MNP_QB.ZIP 16978 11-06-91 mnp protocall in quickbasic
MONKEY14.ZIP 24867 11-06-91 qb4 toggle file attribute by hanlin
MOUSEMEN.ZIP 4767 07-12-87 mouse menus for qb4 applications
MOVBASV5.ZIP 22040 11-13-87 basica modification to run on clones (w/at fix up)
MOVEBASI.ZIP 1763 03-03-86 merge ibm basica com with basic on rom
MPLIB.ZIP 17224 04-20-90 midi driver for qb
MSQUIRKS.ZIP 28295 04-10-92 bugs & quirks in microsoft basic as of 901019
MTASK.ZIP 14011 01-01-80 create your own multitasking drivers
MTS.ZIP 14029 06-05-86 a multi-tasking programme for basic
NOTES4FW.ZIP 3866 04-10-92 notes on basic
OOPS.ZIP 706 04-10-92 find a basic programme lost by return to system
PBCLON10.ZIP 148094 12-02-90 pbclone v10 quickbasic & bascom library
PBCLON15.ZIP 280918 09-25-91 pbclone 15 lib for quickbasic 45
PBCLON16.ZIP 283053 04-10-92 pbclone: asm/basic lib replaces probas/advbas
PCALC.ZIP 7808 09-28-89 the programmer's calculator
PCAP.ZIP 6544 02-28-91 tool to capture prodigy screens & store them
PCF2QB4.ZIP 39445 06-29-90 create a quickbasic 3/4 code to access pcfile
PCGRAF.ZIP 1447 11-11-87 an example of a three-dimensional graph in basic
PC_HYPER.ZIP 151214 02-01-88 hyper text for the pc
PIA88SRC.ZIP 60467 05-04-88 qbasic source for pia88arc
PPH.ZIP 20420 03-05-88 the programmer's popup calc/ascii tabl, + extras
PRINT.ZIP 2905 04-10-92 formatted printer output
PRLIST.ZIP 2602 03-31-90 qb code to show a list string
PRO200.ZIP 21578 04-10-92 user interface utility box for quickbasic
PRQLB123.ZIP 66425 03-07-91 create quick libraries for qb w/only external
PUTPASS1.ZIP 14319 03-26-87 create passwords for com files
Q4TOOL.ZIP 72603 04-10-92 qb45 lib w/mouse/window/fast-screen/dos svcs
Q4TOOL11.ZIP 65560 06-01-90 the q4 utility library (q4t) v11: qb 4x
Q4TOOL12.ZIP 72396 08-19-90 the q4 utility library (q4t) v12: library routines
QB.ZIP 74024 11-06-91 hints for programming in quick basic
QB1.ZIP 74024 11-06-91 hints for programming in aquick basic
QB4AUTO.ZIP 2582 04-10-92 auto compile when using qb4
QB4BAS10.ZIP 69477 11-06-91 qb lib of routines
QB4BAS41.ZIP 112228 11-06-91 bfreeware shareware qb4 library v 41
QB4BAS45.ZIP 127647 11-06-91 v45 of qb4x routine library
QB4BAS46.ZIP 133788 04-10-92 quickbasic tool
QB4GRAF.ZIP 15263 05-16-89 graphics routines for quickbasic x 10
QB4MEN.ZIP 4269 12-26-87 bounce bar menu for qb4,
QB4MIDI.ZIP 30423 11-28-90 qb routines for midi programmers
QB4WIN20.ZIP 26285 04-10-92 qb window routines
QB4WIN32.ZIP 49406 09-23-90 very good library for qbasic & asm programmer
QBARCV.ZIP 10500 11-06-91 arcv for quick basic buerg w/asm obj bas
QBARCV3.ZIP 17376 04-10-92 qb arc/pak/zip file dir util w/src
QBATTR.ZIP 1551 01-10-87 quickbasic screen colours setter
QBBAUD.ZIP 511 04-10-92 reailise com port baud rate in quickbasic
QBBIOS.ZIP 25323 04-10-92 qb routines for dealing with bios
QBBUGS.ZIP 9229 11-06-91 qb bugs & facts ver 1-4
QBCOLORS.ZIP 1967 11-06-91 patch qb4 menu/help colours
QBDATES.ZIP 8090 02-22-87 qbasic date routines
QBDOS.ZIP 33819 11-06-91 qbasic dos call routines
QBEDBF.ZIP 109710 11-06-91 menu driven question of dbf data files
QBFORMT2.ZIP 46428 02-08-91 qb source code formatter v20
QBHERC.ZIP 3504 11-06-91 qb support for herc graphics obj & asm
QBINFO.ZIP 1685 11-07-87 important messages for the quickbasic user
QBINPUT.ZIP 3216 11-06-91 an input routine for quickbasic
QBINPUTC.ZIP 5802 03-08-87 modified input routine quikbas w obj file
QBINTCAL.ZIP 4849 05-10-87 call bios dos interrupts from quickbasic
QBLIBS.ZIP 3615 11-06-91 tutorial on the buildup functions in qb
QBNWS101.ZIP 13698 04-10-92 quickbasic newsletter from the fidonet conference
QBNWS102.ZIP 45809 04-10-92 quickbasic newsletter as of feb 1990
QBNWS105.ZIP 63719 04-10-92 quickbasic newsletter from dec 1990
QBNWS201.ZIP 58929 04-10-92 qbnews-qbasic newsletter v2no1 2/91
QBNWS202.ZIP 91879 04-10-92 qbnews-qbasic newsletter v2no2 6/91
QBNWS203.ZIP 111984 04-10-92 quickbasic newsletter v2n3 - 910915
QBPANEL.ZIP 4304 11-06-91 qb input subroutines
QBPROJCT.ZIP 59786 09-29-87 qb programming interface 4 edit/compile/link
QBSCR15.ZIP 306600 04-10-92 qb screen builder and screen routines w/source
QBSCREEN.ZIP 41661 11-06-91 generate screens in qbasic
QBSCRGEN.ZIP 61173 11-06-91 generate screens in qbasic w/ source
QBSER20.ZIP 23743 04-10-92 qbasic serial communications library
QBSIMGRF.ZIP 12782 04-10-92 quickbasic tool
QBTOOLS.ZIP 62619 11-06-91 qb tools w/ indexed files etc by barrow
QBTREE42.ZIP 143837 04-10-92 b-tree indexed file access for quickbasic
QBUNDOC.ZIP 1395 06-25-87 info on qb4
QBUPDATE.ZIP 6111 04-10-92 quickbasic tool
QBWIZ10.ZIP 7394 02-04-90 access quickbasic interval variables
QBWIZ12.ZIP 13138 04-29-91 qb library to access internal variables
QBX300A.ZIP 44233 06-21-87 quick basic cross referencer by buerg
QBX400F.ZIP 46394 04-10-92 quickbasic tool
QBX400G.ZIP 46464 04-10-92 vern buerg's quick basic xref
QBXM10.ZIP 49376 06-18-91 make use of xms or ems in your qb programs
QBZIPDIR.ZIP 14303 04-10-92 quickbasic routines to tally with zip dirs
QB_DOS.ZIP 3286 11-06-91 addition of dos functions to quickbase programs
QB_EXT.ZIP 18098 01-03-88 cis quick basic external run for shell
QB_LIB.ZIP 33907 11-06-91 asm routines for qbasic
QB_MENUS.ZIP 2022 11-06-91 basic menu system
QB_XMOD.ZIP 1802 07-16-91 quickbasic asm source to calculate 16 bit
QDICE.ZIP 7791 07-06-91 clever quickdice die-rolling function quicklibrary
QFP4.ZIP 80427 11-06-91 flight planning, fuel-time-distance for basic
QGRAFX.ZIP 74221 04-10-92 ega/vga graphics library for qb 40/45; demonstration
QINP73.ZIP 50887 04-10-92 various styles of input routines for qb
QSAM300.ZIP 22750 04-10-92 a b-tree access method for quickbasic
QSCAT229.ZIP 109089 04-10-92 quickshare catalog v229 - qbasic shareware
QSCAT300.ZIP 152613 04-27-91 a quickshare catalog for quickbasic
QTOOL1.ZIP 64104 05-22-87 quick basic utilities do isam files +extras
QTOOLSA.ZIP 149231 06-08-87 qbasic toolbox 1/2
QTOOLSB.ZIP 156699 06-08-87 qbasic toolbox 2/2
QUICKB.ZIP 63291 12-16-87 cis quick b protocol save 50 on download
QUICKSUB.ZIP 14764 11-06-91 subroutines for quickbasic
QUIRKS.ZIP 21317 04-10-92 bbugs quirks, interesting info on qb 45
QWEZ36.ZIP 150382 05-27-90 windows r-e-z v360 for qb 4x
QWEZ40.ZIP 180932 10-30-90 windows r-e-z v40 for quickbasic 4+ (10-30)
QWEZ42.ZIP 206043 04-10-92 a good window management system for quickbasic 4+
QWINDOWS.ZIP 13510 05-06-87 windows pop-up programme for quickbasic w/assembler src
RACE2.ZIP 1728 04-10-92 neat programs for autoracing fans
RB58.ZIP 3738 04-10-92 rapidly change your basic files to ascii
READBAS.ZIP 18310 04-10-92 reads tokenized basic files without basic
REALFUN.ZIP 208486 04-10-92 real and complex mathematics library for quickbasic
REALFUNC.ZIP 36028 11-07-90 qb functions for real & complex numbers
RECURSE.ZIP 5669 02-26-89 recursive descent parser in qb 45
REREF.ZIP 35452 11-06-91 auto-change referencing when basic lines are moved
SCRNCODE.ZIP 68747 11-06-91 produce and generate screens in basic
SMALLFNT.ZIP 5341 04-10-92 a quick basic source to create 106x33 cga font
SOFTIP.ZIP 101627 04-10-92 basic soft tips magazine by marquis computing
SORTOR1.ZIP 979 09-18-90 qbasic routine for sorting records
SPFX.ZIP 2443 04-10-92 "special fx" collection of sound fx
SPLLIB.ZIP 122579 04-10-92 language processor for structured programming
SPLTSCRN.ZIP 1670 11-06-91 split-screen function for basic
SPOKE.ZIP 2737 04-10-92 qbasic source code
SQUAWK.ZIP 33762 04-10-92 menu-driven sound fx eg bird calls
SQUISH.ZIP 23491 04-10-92 squish out rems and compress lines
SQUISH33.ZIP 6338 04-10-92 vbuerg's compress & unnumber basic source
SUBINFO.ZIP 3057 11-06-91 discover subdirectories for use in qb
SUB_PRGM.ZIP 13391 11-06-91 qbasic sub-routines (scrool etc)
TBWINDOW.ZIP 47926 04-10-92 windowing library for turbo/quick basic
TBXM10.ZIP 5579 11-06-91 turbo basic with xmodem source code
TCQB_EXE.ZIP 8453 11-06-91 qbasic protocall for cis
TECHNOTE.ZIP 15768 04-10-92 technical hints on probas functions
THINKJET.ZIP 2416 05-10-88 gw-basic hp thinkjet control menu
TIMING2.ZIP 13314 04-09-90 karp's background timing routines for qb
TOPMENU.ZIP 4891 08-11-88 simple bar menu for qb 40
TOPMENU2.ZIP 65438 04-10-92 qbasic 4x source: nice pulldown menu
TRSTOPC.ZIP 3506 01-19-86 ms to gw-basic conversion aid
TSRBAS20.ZIP 96511 04-10-92 terminate and stay resident basic interpreter
UASMLA.ZIP 28441 02-07-86 unassembler makes assm w/ tags
UBAS821.ZIP 312601 04-10-92 highly precise maths-oriented basic interpreter
UBMPQS32.ZIP 35518 04-10-92 ubasic prime factorization pgm for 386/486
UNDOC.ZIP 1365 09-13-87 not documented qb3 compiler switches
UNPBAS11.ZIP 1628 04-10-92 gwbasic/basica protected programs unprotected
U_MIND.ZIP 30999 03-05-85 database generator from ultra
VAMPIRE.ZIP 14701 05-03-86 dumps bios roms to disk
VIDBASIC.ZIP 120101 04-10-92 masm text video routines library for qbasic
VIDSTA09.ZIP 20234 08-09-90 analyse videostatus v09: qbasic/masm video
VMIX222.EXE 150394 09-30-89 386 multiuser/tasking 3 session demo version
VTOOLBOX.ZIP 8454 06-03-86 set of utilities in basic
V_QLIB.ZIP 61189 04-10-92 contents list of qb quick library (qlb) files
WASM201.ZIP 101025 02-21-87 wolf assembler version 201
WIZEXE.ZIP 54810 11-06-91 qbasic compiled version of wizardbas
WNDTOOL5.ZIP 173177 11-06-91 windows etc for qb 45
WPRINT.ZIP 29706 11-06-91 windows for turbo basic
XLISP.ZIP 38067 06-26-87 xlisp interpreter
XREFBAS_.ZIP 98161 11-06-91 basic xref program
ZIPIT.ZIP 1757 09-01-91 easy qbasic program calls pkzip: pc << dos